A simple 2 led solar lantern. No need for batteries or manually operated generator. Just leaving it turned to sunlight the leds will charge a 47mF memory back-up capacitor. It will store enough energy to turn-on these 2 amber bright leds for approximatelly 1 minute. If sunlight is always present it takes less than 2 hours to recharge. A small magnet is added to the base to allow charge, for instance, on the top of the car.
sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015
Micro lanterna solar de 2 leds
Simples lanterna solar com 2 leds. Não necessita de pilhas ou geradores manuais. Basta deixar a mesma exposta à luz solar que os 2 leds carregarão o condensador de armazenamento de 47mF. Armazena energia suficiente para acender estes 2 leds âmbar de alto brilho durante 1 minuto aproximadamente. Em condições óptimas de luz solar demora cerca de 2 horas a recarregar. A lanterna está dotada de um pequeno íman na base para permitir por exemplo a colocação sobre o automóvel.
A simple 2 led solar lantern. No need for batteries or manually operated generator. Just leaving it turned to sunlight the leds will charge a 47mF memory back-up capacitor. It will store enough energy to turn-on these 2 amber bright leds for approximatelly 1 minute. If sunlight is always present it takes less than 2 hours to recharge. A small magnet is added to the base to allow charge, for instance, on the top of the car.
A simple 2 led solar lantern. No need for batteries or manually operated generator. Just leaving it turned to sunlight the leds will charge a 47mF memory back-up capacitor. It will store enough energy to turn-on these 2 amber bright leds for approximatelly 1 minute. If sunlight is always present it takes less than 2 hours to recharge. A small magnet is added to the base to allow charge, for instance, on the top of the car.
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