sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2022



Proximity detector with one transistor, supply 2xR03



Square root(1)

Square root (0,81)

Square root (2)

Voltage square root extractor; about 60mV remaining error; supply +/-5V_USB



Powerbank stand-by mode disabler. Many powerbanks will enter in stand-by mode when load current drops bellow a threshold level ranging from microamps up to about 50mA. Others will start hiccup its output voltage. A simple circuit with 2 transistors will prevent stand-by mode at the expense of only a few microamps.

domingo, 2 de outubro de 2022



Simple thermometer with silicon diode sensor can measure outdoor temperatures ranging from -50ºC up to +50ºC, supply 9V



The simplest capacitance meter for electrolytic capacitors with indirect reading, supply 1,5V

domingo, 11 de setembro de 2022


Minimalist led chaser with 2 modes: tact-switch short press runs led ring oscillator; tact-switch long press runs inverted led chaser; supply 3V


terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2022



Reaction time measuring. By pressing COUNTING tact switch a new test is started. The middle tact switch should be pressed as soon as GO red led turns on; waiting time is variable and cannot be predicted; digital voltmeter displays reaction time. (1mS per mV). Pressing RESET tact switch erases current reading for new test; supply +5V_USB



Heads or tails game with 2 mini incandescent lamps, supply +5V_USB

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2022



Simple potentiometer tester with 3 transistors: 2 leds OFF: ok / 2 leds ON: defective wiper / 1 led ON: defective resistence element / Suitable for any resistance value; also tests sliding noise; supply 2xR03


Symmetrical astable multivibrator with two supply voltages. 



Simple transistor astable multivibrator with f_max/f_min>200, supply 230Vac/50Hz

quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2022



Mains supplied roof light is turned-on only by fast switching action on the wall switch. As there is no need for extra stand-by power, the module can be integrated in a E27 lamp holder adapter unit.



Ultrasonic detector using standard electret condenser microphone. Conversion to audible range is achieved by frequency mixing with local oscillator, supply 3V

sábado, 16 de abril de 2022

sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2022



Led bar with 8 white leds, controlled by 1 transistor, supply 9V



Sensitive regenerative receiver for MW band (550kHz-1,65MHz) with 1 transistor; uses standard low impedance earphones (32+32 ohm), supply 3V.



1 transistor AM band regenerative receiver,loudspeaker output, supply 9V

segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2022



Alternative dimmer without capacitors and trigger diode; 2 power control ranges: 25%-50% and 50%-100%; supply 230Vac/50Hz



Light activated red led astable multivibrator can be triggered at long distance by laser beam, supply 1xLi-ion cell


Breathing knight rider sequencer, 10 leds, 3 transistors, supply 12V