sábado, 14 de julho de 2018


Simple growing bar with 30 yellow leds, supply 12V.


Histerese com par diferencial: pontos notáveis.


Analog lock system with 3 potmeters.
Code set: 243
1) Choose code configuration in the dial panel.
2) Code panel: press correspondent tact-switch while R-trimmer is adjusted until set led is turned off.
3) Repeat step 2 for 2nd and 3rd digits. After 3rd digit is adjusted unlock green led turns on.
4) Unsettle potmeters. System is locked.
Note: knowing 2 digits unlocks the system.


Mains supplied load controlled by 1 tact-switch with total galvanic isolation.


Simple flip-flop for mains supplied load is controlled by tact-switches having galvanic isolation and no external power supply on the low voltage side.

sábado, 7 de julho de 2018


Sound effect "Code accepted or invalid code", supply 2xNiMH.


Quick setup for converting TDT signal back to analog TV signal (UHF channel 68) to be used with old TV receivers having RF input but no scart input.

Configuração experimental para conversão do sinal TDT para sinal analógico, UHF canal 68, para receptores TV antigos com entrada RF e sem entrada scart.


Simple twin-T oscillator with 1 bipolar transistor directly driving yellow led, supply 2xNiMH.