sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016

Dimmer de baixo consumo com isolamento galvânico da carga de rede: opto-coupler CNX82A + opto-triac MOC3021

Dimmer for mains supplied load with galvanic isolation: opto-coupler CNX82A + opto triac MOC3021. When mains voltage is off battery consumption is very low.

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2016

Tríade de leds amarelos com função fotocélula combinada, alimentação 1xNiMH

This time a group of 3 leds sense the room light level. In case of low light they turn-on. If light intensity increases they turn-off again. Supply is a single NiMH battery.

sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016

Led amarelo com função de fotocélula, alimentação 9V

When the LED is turned-off, it continuously senses the environmental light level. In case light intensity falls bellow a pre-defined value, the LED is turned-on in a pulsed way so that during the off time interval it senses again the light levels. Shall the light intensity rise above threshold level the LED is then turned-off. So the LED acts as light sensing and light emitter device. Compact analog design. Supply 9V.