domingo, 30 de junho de 2019


Mains supplied doorbell with 4 components is activated with smartphone led lantern.

domingo, 23 de junho de 2019


Prototype of simple capacitance meter for oscilloscope. Measured capacitor is 68pF. Oscilloscope time base is 20uS/div.

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2019

sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2019


Experimental LW/MW TRF audion receiver with 2 bipolar transistors and tuning with varicap diode, supply 9V.


Simple 12V/5V-100mA self-oscillating buck converter with 1 transistor (switch) and 1 optocoupler. (PWM control)


Simple BTL class A amplifier based on dual op-amp LM358N drives 110 Ohm loudspeaker with 1.1Vpp sinewave under 2xNiMH power supply.


Complete experimental MW radio receiver based on dual op-amp LM358N. Envelope detector wtih OA5 Ge diode, 2mts wire antenna + PE connection; supply 2xNiMH


Simple thermometer with 1 transistor + 1 resistor + 1 trimmer potmeter, supply 2xNiMH