segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2016

Multivibrador astável simples para duas frequências com temporização definida pelos mesmos componentes

Very simple multivibrator that runs at two different frequencies with the same components. It depends if Rb is connected to Vcc or to the ground.

domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2016

Comparação entre o oscilador Colpitts e o oscilador C-L-C em "T" para transístor bipolar

Flip-flop simples de 2 leds para altifalante piezoeléctrico, alimentação 2xNiMH

Simple two led flip-flop for piezoelectric speaker, supply 2xNiMH.

Gerador de sinal de alarme com 1 transístor e led pisca-pisca branco alimentado a 1,5V

Simple LC regenerative oscillator with one bipolar transistor. The HF frequency is detected by the BE junction driving the transistor to the cut-off point again and again. This is the LF audio signal. An extra RC network hicks this low frequency. Tank circuit resonation and battery impedance allow to turn-on a white led with 1,5V supply voltage.

sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016

Dimmer de baixo consumo com isolamento galvânico da carga de rede: opto-coupler CNX82A + opto-triac MOC3021

Dimmer for mains supplied load with galvanic isolation: opto-coupler CNX82A + opto triac MOC3021. When mains voltage is off battery consumption is very low.

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2016

Tríade de leds amarelos com função fotocélula combinada, alimentação 1xNiMH

This time a group of 3 leds sense the room light level. In case of low light they turn-on. If light intensity increases they turn-off again. Supply is a single NiMH battery.

sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016

Led amarelo com função de fotocélula, alimentação 9V

When the LED is turned-off, it continuously senses the environmental light level. In case light intensity falls bellow a pre-defined value, the LED is turned-on in a pulsed way so that during the off time interval it senses again the light levels. Shall the light intensity rise above threshold level the LED is then turned-off. So the LED acts as light sensing and light emitter device. Compact analog design. Supply 9V. 

domingo, 30 de outubro de 2016

Teclado binário para controlo de acessos de 6 bits, alimentação 12V

Binary access control keyboard. 64 combinations are possible. Code is implemented by red jumpers in the coding board. First row tact-switch inputs "1" bit while second row introduces "0" bit. Input sequence always from left to right. Correct code turns on green led. Reset tact-switch clears last code input. Totally analog circuit. No uP or logic gates. Supply 12V 

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2016

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2016

Astável com duty-cycle de 50% para led branco alimentado por 1 pilha LR06

Maximização da carga armazenada em associação paralelo de condensadores

This simple routine selects from a set of electrolytic capacitors those that maximize the amount of stored charge in a parallel configuration.
INPUT: set of available capacitors.(capacitance and rated voltage)
OUTPUT: subset of capacitors (capacitance and rated voltage) and maximum charging voltage.

Potenciómetro de segurança

Safety position potmeter for dc voltages. When circuit is supplied there will be no output voltage. The potmeter has to be turned into its minimum voltage position and again to the final desired voltage.

sábado, 16 de julho de 2016

Pisca-pisca alternado de duas lâmpadas néon alimentado da rede 230Vac

All but the rectifier diode are LV components; neon lamps glow well; long timing can be produced.